Sabemos que tanto el rugby como el golf obtuvieron en agosto pasado la recomendación del Comité Olímpico Ejecutivo, aunque ahora se espera por la votación definitiva que ratifique al rugby en su modalidad de Seven como deporte olímpico.
“El Seven tiene los ingredientes adecuados para ser olímpico. Es de alto nivel, competitivo, electrizante y le da posibilidades a las naciones más chicas de ganar medallas,” sostuvo el potente ex All- Black.
Desde aquí nos unimos a que en las olimpiadas 2016 veremos al rugby ganando medallas....
A por ellos Jonah.
Rugby Seven to 2016
Soon we will know where the next 2016 Olympic Games will be, but in Copenhage will also be decided if Rugby Seven is going to be an olympic game or not. Lomu has signed by the IRB to go with the Olympic Delegation to support the Olympic candidature.
We know that rugby as well as golf obtained last August the recommendation of the Executive Olympic Committee, although now we expect for the final votation that confirm rugby in its Seven modality as olympic game.
"Seven has the right ingredients to be an olympic game. It is of high level, competitive, electrifying and it gave possibilities to the smallest countries to gain medals", explain the great ex-All Black.
From here, we join to the idea of seeing rugby gainning medals in the 2016 Olympic Games...
Get them Jonah.