Estamos por todas partes. Ésta es una muestra de ello:
...a rugby blog...
The older I get, the better I was
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Message in a Bottle

Yesterday, however, I received something a bit different from the Vigo Rugby Club in Spain.
Entitled "A MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE FOR JONAH LOMU" the press release was from the 'infantile and cadet category' (which I interpret to mean the junior section) of Vigo Rugby Club who have written to Mr Lomu to explain the economic difficulties that the club is currently experiencing, difficulties that threaten its very existence.
The aim of the letter is that it reaches Mr Lomu in Auckland via the six degrees of separation theory that holds that we are connected to any person in the world through a chain of 6 interpersonal acquaintances. The letter, which has been placed in a bottle, is currently on its way to Dublin in the possession of ex-Malahide player and current Vigo resident Joe Scully.
The message isn't a begging letter, but it is hoped that the support of Jonah Lomu and the publicity generated by this innovative and unusual campaign, will raise funds which will help the club to survive.
I'm more than happy therefore to publish the text of the letter below:
To Jonah Lomu
Legend of All Black
Dear Jonah,
Tengo un lector en mi blog que quiere saber si hay alguna forma en la que él pueda colaborar con la iniciativa. Es inglés, amante del rugby y está actualmente en Vigo. Os dejo mi mail por si queréis contactar con él (mandame un mail os paso su dirección de mail)
Me refiero a que si me mandáis un mail, os paso por mail su dirección.