En declaraciones a la prensa, afirma que el culturismo ha sido un hermoso descubrimiento, qué le ayuda a lograr una estabilidad mental muy satisfactoria, y un control de su alimentación muy instructiva....aquí queda esto....

Everything changes under the sun
What had come to us as a remote rumour, has became true. Our black beast takes off his t-shirt (and trousers), and shows us an unexpected narcisim outbreak (excuses for practicers). We send you this picture taken from the last contest of the Wellington Bodybuilding Championships, in Victoria, Australia. Here we can see our champion showing his chest althoug, only between us, he doesn't look so awesome.
In declarations to the Press, he says that bodybuilding has been a great discovery, that it helps him to achieve a satisfactory mental stability and a very instructive control of his food...
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